Giving it the benefit of the doubt, I thought it might look better in the flesh. It doesn't. So why the Hell have Puma and the IRFU teamed up to create this cyan coated catastrophe? While we can only postulate, apparently there is a darker shade of blue known as Saint Patrick's Blue, that was indeed used on Irish flags for a period of time, and to this day is used on the Presidential Standard. The other option would be that they went with a lighter "Dublin" blue, but that couldn't possibly be true, not with three Leinster players promoting the jersey... Although to be fair, it's not a million miles away from Garryowen's either... Or UCD's...

Now all I can guess is that the factory mixed the dye wrong, because I wouldn't make a sheep wear that abomination. And you want to know the funniest thing? As far as I'm aware, it's only when playing against South Africa that Ireland have to wear their alternate jersey. We are indeed playing South Africa on Saturday 6th November 2010, and to mark this historic occasion the Springboks are waiving their right to wear their home jersey, meaning Declan Kidney's men will be in their traditional green for the Lansdowne Road clash.
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